“Brave New World War – Part I: Why Leavenworth’s Finest Know They’re Not in Kansas Anymore,” Campaigning, Journal of the Department of Operational Art and Campaigning, Joint Forces Staff College

Apr 28, 2006

What is new today is not just the emergence of non-state actor adversaries, their asymmetric methods, or their penetration of our homeland – important though all of these trends are. The strategic shift we have perhaps not grasped is that success in conducting the nation’s wars is no longer a function solely of mastering the other side’s center of gravity….

Domestic political debates, media second-guessing and public opinion swings have become a fixture of the American landscape when our forces are committed to a foreign engagement of any duration. That free exercise of our liberties is a good thing, but we need to recognize that it has become a prime focus of our adversaries’ strategies. Never mind that informed Americans believe this nation to be highly resilient when challenged, even indomitable when threatened; our adversaries are less informed, and appear to believe, or at least hope, otherwise.

Brave New World War – Part I: Why Leavenworth’s Finest Know They’re Not in Kansas Anymore — download PDF

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